An industry first, pure day rate bridging finance product. The lender offers no ins, no outs, no arrangement fee, and no exit fee. Only pay for the days you keep the bridge, nothing more.
The product is aimed at customers who need a short term bridging finance solution away from their current lender whilst their sale or refinance takes place. As well as property investors who are in and out of property deals very quickly, frequently transacting, and need help to be more agile in the market. There is no minimum term, maximum term three months and available on residential property only on a first charge basis.
CEO & Founder, Michael Stratton, commented, "Day Rate is a true bridging of the gap. Currently based on the slow turnaround times of refinances in the industry as a whole coupled with slower sale timescales it has never been more pertinent to have a product that offers customers a bridge for a short time. Bridge the gap between a sale that's been delayed or a refinance that has been delayed. As a business we are relentlessly listening to our customers and clients, therefore offering a market leading product where you only pay for the time you need is a no brainer. This gives power back to the borrower that there is now an option of a short-term bridge or re-bridge without a minimum term period."
The product supplements the lenders existing award winning bridging loan no valuation product creating speed and flexibility in the market.
Learn more about how we help numerous companies all over the UK with our help, like this case in just 48 hours.